
Refractory symptoms in paediatric palliative care: can ketamine help?

Franca Benini, Sabrina Congedi, Luca Giacomelli, Simonetta Papa, Aashni Shah, Gregorio Milani

Article Type



This narrative review analyses the use of ketamine in children and the potential extension of its applications in paediatric palliative care in order to provide new options for treatment in the paediatric palliative care setting.

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Pain reduction induced by tapentadol in patients with musculoskeletal chronic pain fosters better sleep quality

Renato Vellucci, Gianluca De Rosa, Emanuele Piraccini

Article Type

Original Research


This article explores whether tapentadol-induced pain relief may drive improved sleep quality via a pooled analysis of real-world data collected from 487 patients with chronic pain suffering from a wide range of chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions and treated with tapentadol.

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Paediatrics: how to manage infantile haemangioma

Jason HS Kim, Joseph M Lam

Article Type



This narrative review aims to deliver concise information regarding infantile haemangiomas to help facilitate clinical decisions and supplement the recommendations with up-to-date evidence.

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